What is EDItEUR?


EDItEUR is the international book sector EDI group, recognised by the Commission of the European Union and by the Western European EDIFACT Board, and supported by the European Federations of Library, Booksellers and Publishers Associations (respectively EBLIDA, EBF and FEP). EDItEUR's brief is to coordinate the development, promotion and implementation of EDI in the books and serials sectors. EDItEUR is a non-profit-making organisation, formally constituted under English law as a company limited by guarantee.

Despite its name and origins, EDItEUR is a truly international organisation with over 100 members from 20 countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa, United States and most of the European countries. EDItEUR works with and through the various national book sector EDI groups including BISAC and SISAC in the United States..

Membership of EDItEUR is open to individual enterprises with an interest in EDI in the book trade, and to relevant associations. The Secretariat is housed at the offices of Book Industry Communication in London. EDItEUR is managed by a Board of representatives of the three European Federations responsible for creating the organisation and a Steering Group of members from all countries. The development and maintenance of the EDItEUR EDI Manual and implermentation guidelines is the primary task of a Message Development and Implementation Group.

Since 1997, BISAC  has been working with EDItEUR to ensure that the current EDItEUR implementation guides include the full functionality of the BISAC X12 version 3060 transaction sets. The cookbook examples of the purchase order, purchase order acknowledgement and invoice on these web pages represent some of the initial efforts of this work.

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