- ISA01
- ISA02
- ISA03
- ISA04
- ISA05
- ISA06
- ISA07
- ISA08
- ISA09
- ISA10
- ISA11
- ISA12
- ISA13
- ISA14
- ISA15
- ISA16
- 00 indicates that no authorization information is
present; e.g. no meaningful information appears in
- Authorization Information. This field is usually left
- 00 indicates that no security information is present;
e.g.no meaningful information appears in ISA04
- Security Information. This field is usually left blank.
- ZZ indicates mutually defined. For the book industry
this indicates that the sender ID in ISA06 is the
senders Standard Address Number (SAN) #.
- 1135309
- ZZ indicates mutually defined. For the book industry
this indicates that the receiver ID in ISA08 is the
senders Standard Address Number (SAN) #.
- 2002450
- Date the interchange is created. Format is
- Time the interchange is created. ormat is HHMM.
- U indicates US EDI community of ASC X12.
- 00200 is the version number for the interchange
envelope only.
- This number must be unique by trading partner.
Since this number an be used for auditability it is
recommended that it be a continuously incremented
sequential number.
- 0 indicates that no acknowledgment is requested.
- P indicates that the data is Production Data.
(T would indicate that the data is Test Data.)
- > is the sub-element separator. This field is
reserved for future expansion.