Conventions for EDI documents and data elements

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Understanding Standards, Conventions and Guidelines
The BISAC Implementation Guide uses the terms, standards, conventions, and guidelines and the following definitions to assist the reader in understanding the difference between the terms:


Transaction Sets
Each transaction set begins with an introduction which contains any information or conditions applicable only to that transaction set. After the introduction, the ASC X12 segment hierarchy is listed.

The ASC X12 segment hierarchy lists all segments, in order, available from the ASC X12 standard. Segments that are utilized by BISAC are indicated in two ways:

Following the segment hierarchy is a detailed description of each segment listed with the segment ID and name, level (header, detail, or summary), loop (if the segment is contained within a loop), loop repeat (for the first segment in the loop), requirement within the transaction set, maximum use, purpose (as defined by ASC X12), ASC X12 syntax notes, ASC X12 comments for segment usage, and notes that explain the BISAC convention for the segment within the transaction set. It is important to note, all shaded text is either BISAC convention or BISAC terminology. Shaded code lists refer to recommendations selected from the entire ASC X12 data element code list. The unshaded areas contain definitions and comments from the ASC X12 standard. See the following sample.

The data element summary lists each data element, in order, for the segment. For each data element there is one line to identify the reference designator, data element number, data element name, and attributes.

The data element summary includes the following type of information:

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