BISAC X12 Version 3060 Business Example
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This example does not include the X12 enveloping segments. An interchange of X12 documents must begin with the ISA and GS segments and then end with the GE and IEA segments. The segments shown in this business example will appear between the GS and GE segments.
832 Title Status - Complex Example
The BISAC X12 832 transaction set is designed to provide data about monographic publicationsbooks, as opposed to serial publications. Each record in any given transaction set references a particular binding of a specific edition of a book. An ISBN will usually have been assigned to this binding specific edition. In the following table, 4 records are shown; first, a publication of BISAC's parent body, the Book Industry Study Group (BISG), and secondly, a publication of R. R. Bowker, American Library Directory, illustrating the use of the 832 on individual volumes as well as multi-volume set compilations. Any monographic publication could have been utilized. The first two rows of boxes and the last two rows of boxes do not refer to the books themselves, but to the transaction set, beginning and ending with the control number and noting, in the next to last box, that four items are referred to. All the other boxes refer to the publication itself. |
Sample Segment Data | Data Elements | Data Element Descriptions |
ST*832*2001~ |
BCT*RC*BISG*980112**** ***00~ |
LIN*1*IB*0940016699*B7* Book Industry Study Group*IM*BISAC~ |
G53*050~ |
DTM*043*971230***19~ |
DTM*079*980115***19~ |
PID*S**BI*EN*4~ |
PID*S**BI*SU*COM020010~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 1- Introduction~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 2- Business Issues~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 3- Legal Considerations~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 4- Maintenance~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 5- Communication~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 6- Miscellaneous~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 7- Glossary~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 8- Industry Conventions for Using ASC X12 Transactions~ |
PID*S**BI*TOC*c=Chapter 9- Transactions~ |
PID*S**BI*CA01*Book Industry Systems Advisory Committee~ |
PID*S**BI*E01*Ted Berg~ |
PID*S**BI*TI*Implementation Guidelines for Electronic Data Interchange~ |
PID*S**BI*ST*Based on ANSI X12 Version 3.6~ |
PID*S**BI*DOC01*This implementation guide was developed by BISAC to serve as the guideline manua~ |
PID*S**BI*DOC02*l for electronic data interchange (EDI) for the book industry. BISAC is responsi~ |
PID*S**BI*DOC03*ble for future development of an enhancement of the X12 formats included herein.~ |
PO4*1***CTN25*G*3*LB*** 9*3*12*IN~ |
CTP*RS*SLP*100.00*1*UN~ |
DTM*007*980115***19~ |
N1*AG*Book Industry Study Group*15*216793X*17*Q3~ |
LIN*2*IB*0835238296*B7* Bowker~ |
G53*050~ |
DTM*043*970701***19~ |
PID*S**BI*IT*Directory~ |
PID*S**BI*CE01*R. R. Bowker Staff~ |
PID*S**BI*TI*American Library Directory, 1997-1998~ |
PID*S**BI*VN*1 |
LIN*3*IB*0835238318*B7* Bowker~ |
DTM*043*970701***19~ |
PID*S**BI*IT*Directory~ |
PID*S**BI*CE01*R. R. Bowker Staff~ |
PID*S**BI*TI*American Library Directory, 1997-1998~ |
PID*S**BI*VN*2~ |
LIN*4*IB*0835238288*B7* Bowker~ |
SLN*4**I*2*BK****IB* 0835238296*IB*0835238318~ |
DTM*043*970701***19~ |
PID*S**BI*IT*Directory~ |
PID*S**BI*CE01*R. R. Bowker Staff~ |
PID*S**BI*TI*American Library Directory, 1997-1998~ |
PID*S**BI*NV*2~ |
CTP*RS*SLP*259.95*1*ST~ |
CTT*4~ |
SE*67*2001~ |
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